Admittedly scented candles and perfumed bubble bath is not at the top of most dogs’ wish list!
Perhaps they prefer more eau de fox or scent of damp ditch but here at Newgate we think a healthy, happy sweet smelling dog is good. We have always offered a comprehensive grooming service, started by our founder Jess Millett back in 1948. Ellie, Jenny, Holly and Anna continue to provide this high class bathing and grooming service. Whether a bath, a tidy or a full trim we aim to please, a happy dog and a happy client!
Ellie, Jenny, Holly and Anna are qualified groomers with years of experience.
Ably assisted by their assistants they offer a range of grooming options whilst guests are staying or for day visitors. We have appointments to fit in with clients ranging from morning and afternoon to all day ‘Groom and Crèche’. We endeavour to fit into your busy routine, appointments start from 8am with the last appointments finishing at 6pm.



Phil, Jasmyn, Olivia and Tim